Product details Unknown Binding: Gheorghe Toma, Editorial Director, Mrs. Cameron II, Phillip J. The French doctrine has the most important place in the organization of the foreign doctrine annotations, which fact is justified by the tight connection between the French Civil Code of and the Romanian Civil Code. The rules it contains answer to actual needs and, at the same time, tend to meet the necessities resulting from the dynamic of the social life. The work also includes a table of correspondences between the special regulatory acts and the corresponding articles in the Code, as well as a comprehensive alphabetical index of the contents. codul muncii adnotat

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The French doctrine has the most important place in the organization of the foreign doctrine annotations, which fact is justified by the tight connection between the French Civil Code of and the Romanian Civil Code. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Modele de contracte, Themis Cart, 9.

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Concerning the French Civil Code, I have reproduced not only the text taken into account by the Romanian legislator inbut also the successive amendments the French legislator has brought until Although the rules in the Code, by themselves, give answers for any kind of casuistry, the way in which they are interpreted in relation to other rules of the same system of law or of different systems, as well as the way in which they have been apllied in practice, can be of real help to the one searching for solutions to a new problem.

Attorney at Law - September — January Concerning the recent Romanian doctrine, we provide quotations not only of the works of acknowledged authors, but also of what has been written about the younger ones. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Despite all the prohibitions, many of the works written before continue to be, even today, replete with present interest for the civil law doctrine: The extent to which our step is successful is to be estimated by the readers of this work.

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For many of the articles of the Civil Code we have made references to the annotations of the French authors of the beginning of the 20th century and the inter-war period. I have selected, from the pre-war and inter-war periods, monographs, studies and annotations made by the best jurists of that time, such as: Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go.

Modele de contracte,Themis Cart, Nevertheless, for thousands of years, the principles governing the relationships between people have not been altered.

codul muncii adnotat

Following the outlook of the Annotated Civil Code, edited by the remarkable jurist Constantin Hamangiu, a reference work in the inter-war period, I reproduced the corresponding texts of the French Civil Code, the Italian Cicil Code the Pisanelli Project and of the Belgian Mortgage Law, which have all served as model for the Romanian legislator.

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We hope muhcii the inclusion of doctrine annotations Romanian and foreign helped to increase the quality level of this edition of the Civil Code. These works, with many of them being updated according to the legislation adopted afterare quoted in order to support the opinions expressed in relation to the content of the text muncil the Civil Code.

Last but not least, we show many thanks for the support we benefitted from Mr.

Utilizator:Florinciutacu/Cutia cu nisip - Wikipedia

Also, it is difficult, if not even impossible, to deem all the categories of social relationships to fall under the jurisdiction of the Civil Code, while interpreting it.

For instance, concerning the inclusion of an inflation coefficient when it comes to granting damages for prejudices caused by civil offences or by contracts, the French legislator has amended the Civil Code, imperiously disposing that this coefficient must be implicitly granted by the judge.

Presidency of Romania - 1 November — 31 December For instance, we have indicated which are the effects of novation and the ways of annulling the obligations upon the incidental obligations annotation on article We have quoted ,uncii of civil law together with those of commercial adnotzt, criminal procedure law or administration law where the foreign legislator has regulated institutions such as the personal and real guarantees; also, I have quoted the private law doctrine and the public law doctrine in order to help the reader to better understand the circumstances of the implementation of the law in time Article 1 of the Civil Code.

The guarantees and the bail. Also, the Swiss and the German doctrines are quoted where the law regulations of these countries offer differences compared to the civil law of French origin. Calmanovici concerning the Adnott of 27 December, delivered by the Dorohoi Court, on assignment of trade fund in the Romanian law, related to the assignment of claim and the assignment of debt.

codul muncii adnotat

With no wish to emphasize the quantity attribute, and considering the number of the quoted authors merely a quality indicator, we mention that we have made use of over two hundred books of Romanian and foreign doctrine. The rules of a Civil Code sometimes seem ocdul be highly general and abstract, even to those competent in the field.

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Cameron II, Phillip J. Istrate Micescu, Drept civil. Codul familiei, Oscar Print, 4. Concerning the Italian Civil Law, in addition to the reproduction of the texts in the Civil Code used as model by the Romanian legislator inthere are references also to the new Civil Code fromin order to see, de lege lata, the way in which the respective legal institutions are now regulated in Italy.


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